Mark Hagman
Mark Hagman was there from the earliest planning stages of the camp as the Assistant Director, back in the summer of 2003. His determination, creative genius, sense of humor, and strong example as a man of prayer, has helped define what Arcātheos is today. He believed passionately in the mission to help ConQuest boys become authentic men of God.
Mark endured great sufferings in his battle with brain cancer, and was finally called home on September 14th 2008. He is survived by his beautiful wife Leanna, and their son Keaton. Those who knew him personally were deeply inspired by Mark's profound courage while he carried his cross.
In memory of what Mark stood for, a memorial sword was commissioned in his name in the summer of 2009. Since then, the sword continues to be used to ceremoniously Knight those who exemplify the leadership, virtue, and commitment to serve Christ that Mark lived on a daily basis.